On the canceling of Search Engine

On the canceling of Search Engine

Dear Mr. Stursberg [Richard.Stursberg at cbc.ca] and Ms. Mitton [Susan.Mitton at cbc.ca],

I am appalled at the decision that was made to cancel Search Engine.

I have been a longtime listener and fan of the show down here in the Lower 48 ever since it won Best of 2007 iTunes Podcasts. I didn’t know the show existed until then and since, have been a loyal fan and devotee.

As a producer and reporter on American public radio, I understand the difficulties, financially and logistically, of getting good stuff on the air. I also understand that public radio is having a hell of a time attracting a younger audience, and yet, you seemed to be doing that in droves. There are many public radio shows down here that would kill for that kind of attention, not to mention winning awards and being at the top of the iTunes charts.

Brown and his crew brought a smart and witty discussion about the day’s tech culture issues to a wide audience, and it was an utmost pleasure to listen to the show. The Prentice interview on the last episode is prima facie of that. The fact that the blog and the podcast will continue to exist is not good enough. Why change a winning formula?

I urge you to reconsider this awful decision.

Thanks so much,


Oakland, CA, USA


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