So July 20 was my first episode hosting Spectrum, and July 27 was my first one hosting all by myself!
You can listen here:
July 20:
[audio:http://cyrusfarivar.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/01-Spectrum_-Viennas-UN-AIDS-conference-German-data-protection-and-the-science-of-forgery-detection-in-London.mp3]July 27:
[audio:http://cyrusfarivar.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/01-Spectrum_-A-new-gesture-based-user-interface-German-e-books-and-an-Italian-autonomous-vehicle-treks-to-China1.mp3]Feel free to subscribe to the podcast here (and leave me a review on iTunes!), or listen to archived shows on the show’s page here.
It’s been a blast to plan and produce these shows! It’s hard to believe that after years of working at home and having a commute of about twenty seconds across the house, now I have a commute by bike of about 20 minutes along the Rhine river. I park my bike and go up to my office, where I share it with another news reporter. But my name is next to the door, I have a whiteboard and everything. We’ve got regular meetings, news conferences, and deadlines to meet. Heck, I’ve even got business cards coming soon.
Production day is Monday, where I have three hours of studio time to track my own voice, listen to the pieces with our audio engineers and listen back to the whole show to make sure everything is ok. Last time, I only used about half that time. The show goes out on Tuesday at 17h30 GMT, and the rest of the time I have to spend updating the science and technology news page (I average publishing about two stories per day), and of course, planning for the next week’s show.
Gotta feed the beast, as they say.
Congrats again, Cyrus! I’ve enjoyed listening so far, and look forward to more…
Yeah, congrats. I’m subscribed and looking forward to making this part of my weekly routine. (Link to the iTunes preview page has a space at the beginning.)
Amazing article. Thanks for info.